WASD-> Move
SPACE-> Jump
E-> Drop
RIGHT CLICK-> Interact

Nightmares try to scare the little one; stop them before it's too late.
Hold on until dawn or turn on all the lights hidden in the scene.

- Flashlight: very effective against airborne enemies, but its battery is limited. When it runs out, you'll have to recharge it at a station.
- Playdough: can be used to defeat small ground monsters and to bounce on, propelling oneself through the air.
- Rocket: a powerful toy that, once launched, takes some time before it can be used again.

Tip: don't let the one under the crib grow too much.


"Good Night Mr. Bunny" is a first-person horror game that immerses players in a unique and terrifying experience. At the heart of this adventure is a stuffed bunny that comes to life to protect an innocent two-year-old child from monsters emerging in the darkness of the night. The plot unfolds in a nightmare scenario where the child faces his deepest fears, and our brave protagonist, Mr. Bunny (the player), becomes the last line of defense against creatures threatening to drag the child into the darkness.

The energy and determination of the stuffed bunny, now controlled by the player, are crucial to safeguarding the child's safety and simultaneously protecting itself from dangers lurking in every corner of this frightening night. To achieve this, the player will have a varied arsenal of devices and tools that can be used strategically to repel and eliminate monsters, creating an immersive and suspenseful gaming experience.

The game not only offers a challenging horror experience but also encourages computational thinking. It features a design in which the player must identify patterns, assess the environment, and effectively solve problems to win the game, managing the various tools at their disposal based on the enemies. This feature adds an additional dimension of challenge and depth to the game, making it a enriching experience in terms of both entertainment and cognitive skill development.

Development log

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